52 Week Saving Schedule

Monday, March 14, 2016

As I'm sure anyone can agree with me - money is the worst. Although I always had a job throughout high school and college I felt like I could never really stack up to my friends. I would forego cruises and beach trips to ensure I could eat the next week only to find out that, yes, I could have gone and done that one thing that one time.

So you live, you learn, and life goes on. As a grown up, especially when I moved away, I vowed to never let that happen again. Any trip my friends and I wanted to plan - yes! Any dinner we wanted to go to - I'll be there! You might remember when I started my first job over a year ago I wrote about how to stick to an extremely tight budget. But one thing I left out, because in my budget at the time, there was no room, was saving

Friends and I always chat about buying new laptops, taking trips to Europe, my insane urge to go to Bloomingdales every time I pass - pretty much anything that costs hundreds and/or thousands of dollars. Dave always says, "If you take out x amount from each paycheck you'll have this thing paid off on your credit card in no time!" Okay, U RITE, buuuuut that anxiety from seeing my credit card bill isn't worth that having something then and there. I'm the kind of person that would rather save for something and have that validation of "Oh, I worked for this. I deserve this!" I  honestly just really needed a fool proof way of saving without breaking the bank - and this is PERFECT to ensure there's a little cash in the bank for Christmas presents at the end of the year as well as a little for yourself.

I saw this on Carly's blog and everything actually adds up really quickly!

So, here's how it works: 52 weeks. Every Week you put away money that corresponds with that week. Got it? For example, Week 1 you put away $1 and Week 45 you put away $45. When looking this up I also saw it go in reverse (i.e. Week 1, $52. Week 2, $51. And so on.) Net net you save $1,378! HOLLA.

*image via


Friday, March 11, 2016

Image taken by James Carpenter

It seems like spring has sprung all over! This weekend I'm off to the lake in Ithaca with the gal squad + the boys. I've mentioned before how much I love getting out of the city for a quick weekend away, and since its finally so nice out we'll probably be gone every weekend from now until October (only half kidding)! But while I sit and plan future weekend trips in my head...enjoy some of my favorite things from this week around the web...

Moving to New York? Live in New York? Consider these basic tips.

The best cities to celebrate St. Patty's Day

Tiny banana puddings - I want ten.

Never fuss at me for Instagramming brunch anymore.

Travel Q&A with girl crush Gwyneth Paltrow.

Would seriously be lost this election year without this handy guide.

You might be obsessed with your Fitbit.

Must have this tank with this skirt.