Pieces Every Apartment Needs

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I consider myself lucky to have two "first apartments". My first first apartment in Atlanta was homey, spacious, and perfect. My first New York apartment is very...New York. Tiny and cramped. So while trying to make it as much of a home as I can I realized there are certain aspects that any space can't be without.


There should be one piece in each room that your attention gravitates to. Back in Atlanta it was my giant lit hashtag and it is a clear chair in the NYC apartment - the newest addition.


Fork out the money for the ingredients. It's so worth it when you come home from a long day and think, "I could use an old fashioned, and ya know what?! I have all the ingredients!" Treat this area like part of your pantry - once you get all the ingredients you won't think about how much you spent getting started.


If you said "pop of color" to 10 year old me I would be hitting the wall with a bright yellow can of paint... Color has to be the one thing my apartment is missing right now. Our white walls absolutely kill me, but with these thing it takes some time. Having a fun canvas can be the best way to bring it all together.

Use this place for your little trinkets, books, even heels! If I had a penny for every time I looked at my shelf and thought happy thoughts I could have already afforded to pay my next year's worth of rent up front.


It's so fun to have a piece displayed that tells a little story. For instance, I had this vase (has been back at my parents' since the move) that was absolutely atrocious. It was tan, porcelain, and gaudy with bugs painted all over it. It was given to me when my grandmother passed away (I assume because my grandfather couldn't stand the sight of it), and there was absolutely nowhere to put it in my place. To make everyone happy I obliged and took it home, slapped it on a table in the hallway, and wouldn't you know I got more compliments on that damn vase than anything else in my apartment! Moral of the story: take the ugly thing and draw (the best kind of) attention to it.


When you find something like this ^ how do you say no? Show your personality. Sass it up.


Now, I've written about coffee table books and my love for them before, but I truly believe they can bring a little something to a room. While they're not as fun to get as Christmas gifts, they're usually worth the investment. Barnes & Noble has them on sale quite frequently!

What are some pieces that your place can't live without? I'd love to hear!

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