Weekend Links

Friday, November 21, 2014

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Can y'all believe next week is Thanksgiving already?! Although there have obviously been talks of the holidays already, I am so excited to get things rolling. Bryant and I are planning on visiting my parents' place for Thanksgiving and letting Mister Bear run around their 15 acres for a day or two. Then we're coming back up to brave Black Friday shopping (oh, dear). What about you? Do you already have Thanksgiving plans? I hope you have a happy and quiet weekend before the hustle and bustle begin!

1. Anna Kendrick + Kate Spade

2. Do you know how to spend the holidays like a Town and Country-er?

3. I had my first ever Dry Bar experience today, and I'm so hooked already!

4. Another T+C article for you: plaid, plaid, plaid everywhere.

5. If I could afford it, I would go everyday. But check out a guy's perspective on Pure Barre.

6. It's been so cold outside. Are the vocals or lip syncing more impressive?

7. The Hipster Business Name Generator.

8. Did you know this about cheese?!

9. Italian chefs rate grocery store pasta.

10. Crate and Barrel. xoxo, Olivia Pope

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