Birchbox 31-Day Challenge

Friday, January 2, 2015

Did you make any resolutions this year? I sure didn't. 2014 was great, but I know 2015 is going to be even better! I'm kickstarting my year with a little challenge - the Birchbox 31-Day Challenge

I'm a little late getting started (and I'm headed to the gym right after this to get started on day numero dos), but I'll be doing one challenge a day for the next month! We're talking fitness challenges, nutrition challenges, and beauty and wellness challenges! And they're not your typical "eat zero bread for a week" challenge - let's just say you make your own salad dressing one day and energizing yoga poses another. 

This is going to be so fun! All these tasks seem so simple, and it'll be a great way to broaden my horizons (and your's too?) and start the year off right!

You want to take the challenge, too? You can find the assignments here. Oh, did I mention they also have daily prizes? Also, make sure to join the conversation with #BirchboxChallenge on social media!

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