Wine Mask

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wine is my absolute favorite food group. It's delicious, will never let you down, and is good for your heart AND skin. Resveratrol, an antioxidant in red wine that helps prevent aging, obesity, and damage in blood vessels, is proven to be good for your skin! Mix with egg yolks to keep skin radiant and egg whites and diminish fine lines, you've got yourself a nice little concoction!

This was part of the Birchbox Challenge (via The Beauty Bean) I recently mentioned. It seemed so out of the box and fun, so I just had to try it! Without further ado:

So what's in this stuff?
- three table spoons of your favorite red wine
- one egg
- one additional egg yolk

Mix it all up, and it looks just like chocolate milk! The original directions said to brush this on with a pastry brush, but i simply grabbed a paint brush and applied a couple thin layers! It was a little runnier than I anticipated, so I highly recommend leaning over the sink as you apply!

Now, let this dry completely and wipe off with a warm, damp cloth. 

It's that easy!

Oh, and what is a face mask post without a embarrassing mirror selfie? Honestly, you can't tell one bit that the mask is on there, but trust me. I could barely move my face.

And while we're on the topic, check out 4 ways wine improves your skin!

Keep it real, y'all.

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